Binancechain Integration

I agree that gas prices are way higher that what we experienced in the past years and it’s creating more and more difficulties. There are solutions that can be implemented in the near term, but we need for sure community contributions for this.

First thing is that with some of the changes proposed in the community roadmap (change in the fee and governance tokens mgmt) gas costs should be reduced.

Also for L1, batch deposits have been introduced recently and potentially there are also other ways of acquiring idleTokens (idleDAI, idleUSDC, …) that can be added.
For example we can partner with a fiat on/off ramp to offer direct USD to idleToken conversions (and something similar for redeems), or we can setup a protocol pool (with funds from fees) which periodically mints idleTokens and lets users buy those tokens from the pool (instead of minting them which is more expensive) and same can be done for redeems.

At the moment I don’t have more ideas besides gas optimizations, but I’m sure there are
other ways too and we will do more research.

L2 solutions are something that we should research more too imo eg

About Fantom I need to read more about it because I’m not really familiar with it