$IDLE Treasury Diversification through Strategic Partners

Ahh yes. Forgive my presumptuous postulation. I blame it on the amateur Pre-sale investor in me.

As for strategic value… I’m an individual, I don’t have deep crypto connections, I don’t have a “crypto fund”, and don’t I have a large say in other protocols… But I do have a social circle made out of non-crypto-initiated well-to-do friends. Each who could easily put 3-7M USD of AUM into the IDLE Ecosystem (lending, staking, holding, and LPing). Does that count as strategic-value?

If there is however a discount in exchange for the lock-up… I do believe that it’s fair that everyone (not only businesses) should get access to the opportunity. This is open finance after all. Anyone can be an LP, stake, write code… Also, I believe a composition of 100 users who each put in 50k USD, is superior to a single strategic entity that puts in 5M.

Just some thoughts, I hope they make sense, happy to hear feedback.