[IIP-2] - Add a Smart Treasury to IDLE

Smart Treasury is Live :rocket:

Hi everyone, I am glad to announce that phase 1 of IIP-2 has been successfully executed, and the smart treasury has been successfully bootstrapped. >> [[Here]] <<.

To trade with the smart treasury you can simply use the balancer UI. Trades will be automatically routed to the treasury: Balancer Exchange.

The pool was bootstrapped with a starting weights of 96/4 : IDLE/WETH.
(The actual weights are 95.98 / 4.02 and will be gradually updated to 90/10)

In addition to this 1,300 $IDLE was also withdrawn as part of this proposal to fund the development grant and reward peer reviewers.

@emilianobonassi, @EndymionJkb , @MickdeGraaf, @patitonar, @william and @gravityblast

Technical details
Here is the list of transactions which were executed in order to bootstrap the treasury. The gnosis safe multisig was used for transactions interacting with the SmartTreasuryBootstrap Address.

  1. Execute Proposal β†’ tx 0xd155bb20…
  2. swap() β†’ tx 0x29934ad8…
  3. setIDLEPrice() β†’ tx 0x1718aa1f…
  4. initialise() β†’ tx 0x8111389d…
  5. bootstrap() β†’ tx 0xcbe221…
  6. renounce() β†’ tx 0x777675db…
  7. setSmartTreasuryAddress() β†’ tx 0xedd6297b

The address of the ConfigurableRightsPool (Smart Treasury) is here: 0x859e4d219e83204a2ea389dac11048cc880b6aa8

And the address of the underlying bPool is here: 0xcaf467dfe064a1f54e4ece8515ddf326b9be801e

Issues encountered during bootstrap
There was a minor issue encountered during the pool bootstrap where the call to updateWeightsGradually had the wrong parameters. This will be fixed in phase 2 of the IIP, where we will call updateWeightsGradually again with the correct parameters to gradually move the pool weights from 96/4 β†’ 90/10.

Next Steps
Now that the first phase of IIP-2 has been executed the next phase will be to enable the protocol buy-back by routing fees from idle to the FeeCollector contract. A new on-chain vote will be created in the coming days with the fix to the pool weights also included.

Thank you to everyone who voted and contributed to this proposal, it’s been an awesome experience :smiley: :rocket: .