Single $IDLE staking

Regarding voting for stkIDLE holders, I believe that stkIDLE holders still need a mechanism to participate in governance. It doesn’t make sense to me for staker’s who are showing loyalty to the ecosystem by staking their IDLE to forfeit their voting rights.

With that said a possible solution that has been discussed by the Dev League is to vote delegate the IDLE in the staking contract to a community owned multisig. stkIDLE holders can express their opinions on proposals via an off-chain vote mechanism such as The owners of the multisig can then certify this result, and execute an on-chain vote.

The process I see for.
When an IIP is formalized on-chain, a parallel snapshot vote for stkIDLE holders can be created.

An on-chain proposal lasts 3 days, therefore the snapshot vote should last for 2 days, and the multisig owners will submit their vote immediately after the snapshot vote closes.

I believe a 6-of-9 multisig would be more than enough for this purpose, based on the yearn multisig. However other common parameters could also be a 5-of-8, or 4-of-7