Update Best Yield USDC, USDT, WETH yield sources

Temperature check voting

The voting phase to remove the Euler YTs from the Best Yield strategies on USDC, USDT and WETH starts now :ballot_box:

  • For - Agree with the Euler YTs removal from BY on USDC, USDT and WETH
  • Against - Disagree with the Euler YTs removal from BY on USDC, USDT and WETH
  • Discuss more - Discuss more the Euler YTs removal from BY on USDC, USDT and WETH

:arrow_right: Poll for $IDLE holders: HERE
:arrow_right: Poll for $IDLE stakers (stkIDLE holders): HERE

:alarm_clock: Polls will close on 2023-04-23T16:30:00Z

The final $IDLE voting weights will be calculated using the approved calculator .

Looking to delegate your vote on Snapshot? Follow the official Snapshot guide.

Let your vote count! :writing_hand: