Aave's platform change, from V1 to V2

Yes it needs to be done before the deposits get paused so before phase 3 is finalized. I think that we can already start drafting what needs to be done:

  • Create Aave v2 adapter similar to the current one used for aave v1 idle-contracts/IdleAave.sol at develop · Idle-Labs/idle-contracts · GitHub
  • In the proposal call setAllAvailableTokensAndWrappers for all idleTokens (9 calls) with both aave v1 and aave v2 adapters and in the allocations param remove everything from aave v1 and move it
    to aave v2 (need to check this but should work)
  • Potentially in a separate proposal (due to the 10 actions limit per proposal), after the rebalance to aave v2 succeded, we can also call setAllAvailableTokensAndWrappers once more to remove aave V1 references (ie the adapter) completely to save some gas

Need some tests for sure to see if the upgrade works as expected