AMM liquidity improvements II


A proposal to discuss improving the IDLE liquidity on Ethereum.



Back in July 2023, @Davide shared a detailed analysis to improve the IDLE liquidity

Based on these inputs, the DAO agreed to launch an 80/20 pool on Balancer

During this period, Leagues have also started incentive quests on Paladin to collect BAL and AURA rewards and boost the yield offered on the 8020 pool.

The third step listed and voted on in Davide’s post, i.e. applying to the Balancer 8020 Grant, has been delayed due to the need to adjust the IDLE staking model and the need to have already a live 8020 integration in place.


Launched in July 2023 after the IIP-38, the 8020 pool on Balancer offers interesting returns to LPs, generated some volumes, and brought some liquidity. The pool had an average liquidity of $50,000, with a peak of $100,000 (see the Balancer pool analysis tool on Dune, where the IDLE pool ID is 0x158e0fbc2271e1dcebadd365a22e2b4dd173c0db0002000000000000000005a5)

Monthly volumes reached the highest level during December 23 and January 24, with an average size of $785.

The fees collected were negligible, but this was expected due to the very low swap fee of 0.5%.

Leagues also noted that the Balancer 8020 wasn’t always considered by major DEX aggregators, such as 1inch, 0x, and Kyberswap when swapping IDLE on Ethereum. This seems to be driven by the nature of the weighted pool itself as confirmed by the Balancer team

[…] concentrated liquidity will always be competitive vs weighted pools just due to the way they work.

The analysis is confirmed by on-chain data that shows that the majority of the swaps were done by MEV bots


To improve the IDLE liquidity in the markets, Leagues advise the following steps:

  1. Migrate the Balancer 8020 liquidity to Uniswap v3 where the DAO controls two positions in the IDLE-WETH pool (a full-range deployment, and a concentrated position).
  2. Decide whether to launch a new stable pool on Uniswap, i.e. USDC - IDLE or swap the USDC balance into WETH.
  3. Add liquidity concentrated around the current value and adjust the range through time.

The choice to pick Uniswap v3 is driven by the fact that the Uniswap pools currently route the majority (~76%) of IDLE swaps on mainnet (source IDLE DEX metrics on Dune).

Additionally, Idle Leagues suggest using part of the forthcoming treasury to increase the size of the pool. The DAO is invited to share his ideas about the size of the deployment, but we could think about something in the range of $75,000 to $150,000. A deposit in this range should ensure enough size for the IDLE pool, without divesting too many funds from the operations.

Next steps

This proposal aims to concentrate IDLE AMM liquidity into a single pool to reduce fragmentation, dampen slippage, and stabilize the volatility during price swings.

All Idle DAO stakeholders are invited to weigh in on the proposal. This proposal will be followed by a Temperature Check vote.

If positive, Idle Leagues will move forward to include any action needed in the next IIP and funds management.


Consolidating into one pool and deploying additional liquidity with the upcoming strategic round makes perfect sense. An IDLE/USDC pool probably makes the most sense and an enhancement in size by $100-$150K would be bare minimum IMO to seed the LP with more liquidity during this bull market.

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I agree with this.

Uniswap(v3) is, i think, the best place for this.
Like mentioned, the most used.

Let’s go for the $150K , and hopefully more to come.

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IMO, let’s proceed with:

Migrate to Uniswap v3.
Add $150k liquidity.

This currently appears to be the best/cheapest route to take.

Keep up the good work team!

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Thanks for the inputs @L.P, @shiprekt, @AllinCrypto.

I’ll share soon the voting pools to let you and the DAO members share their preferences.


Temperature check voting

The voting phase to revamp the IDLE AMM liquidity on mainnet starts now :ballot_box:

This vote pool will have a different format than the usual temperature checks. DAO voters will be asked to share their preferences on 3 different topics related to the same proposal:

Section Question
1. A. Keep the Balancer 8020 IDLE pool
B. Migrate the 8020 IDLE pool to Uniswap v3
2. A. Keep the IDLE-WETH pool on Uniswap v3
B. Launch an IDLE-USDC pool on Uniswap v3
3. A. Bootstrap the pool with $75,000 of DAO’s treasury (in either USDC or WETH)
B. Bootstrap the pool with $100,000 of DAO’s treasury (in either USDC or WETH)
C. Bootstrap the pool with $150,000 of DAO’s treasury (in either USDC or WETH)

:arrow_right: Poll for $IDLE holders: HERE
:arrow_right: Poll for $IDLE stakers (stkIDLE holders): HERE

:alarm_clock: Polls will close on 2024-03-15T07:00:00Z

The final $IDLE voting weights will be calculated using the approved calculator.

Looking to delegate your vote on Snapshot? Follow the official Snapshot guide.

Let your vote count! :writing_hand:


Temperature check results

Temperature Check passed :white_check_mark:

The DAO has shared his preferences about the next steps for the IDLE AMM liquidity improvements:

  • Migrate the 8020 IDLE pool to Uniswap v3
  • Launch an IDLE-USDC pool on Uniswap v3
  • Bootstrap the pool with $150,000 of DAO’s treasury

Sharing also a full overview of the votes collected as reported in the official IDLE/stkIDLE calculator


Following the successful execution of the IIP-39 at the start of the week, today, we executed the actions voted by the DAO*.

With the IIP-39, we transferred 75,000 USDC to the Treasury League multisig, to this end:

  • 40% of the funds were used to buyback some IDLE**
  • 60% of the funds were used to increase the token liquidity in the market

The table that follows shows a summary of the transactions made

Tx hash Description Token Amount
976 Redeem Uniswap v3 liquidity IDLE-ETH IDLE -85,248
Redeem Uniswap v3 liquidity IDLE-ETH ETH -3.39
977 Redeem Uniswap v3 liquidity IDLE-USDC IDLE -38,190
Redeem Uniswap v3 liquidity IDLE-USDC USDC -6,849
978 Redeem Uniswap v3 liquidity IDLE-ETH IDLE -80,045
Redeem Uniswap v3 liquidity IDLE-ETH ETH -0.167
980 Swap USDC to IDLE on Matcha USDC -30,000
Swap USDC to IDLE on Matcha IDLE 98,044
982 Re-deposit liquidity in Uniswap v3 IDLE-USDC IDLE 164,888
Re-deposit liquidity in Uniswap v3 IDLE-USDC USDC 51,849
983 Re-deposit liquidity in Uniswap v3 IDLE-ETH IDLE 38,357
Re-deposit liquidity in Uniswap v3 IDLE-ETH ETH 3.55
984 Re-deposit liquidity in Uniswap v3 IDLE-USDC IDLE 49,000
Re-deposit liquidity in Uniswap v3 IDLE-USDC USDC 1,570
985 Re-deposit liquidity in Uniswap v3 IDLE-ETH IDLE 45,000

* The bootstrap liquidity budget transferred to Leagues was cut in half in line with the final round agreement terms
** Before starting the liquidity increase and buyback, we redeemed the current liquidity to avoid any redundancy