Governance Mining #2 - July/August 2022 DAO Rewards

We’re excited to announce the rewards for the most active DAO members of the last 30 days! :raised_hands: :rocket:

Top 5 Addresses on Idle Finance Karma Dashboard (30 days filter)

  1. 0x50da03c08b3269aa2b47a0b8be03dbcea4cb3990
  2. 0xa971182ceecaac649eb6e8d4800ed8ddf0312106
  3. 0x53781a8275084ec8fc977ac97a66d94976772935
  4. 0xd08b7e82942fac71d96fecaa99ed7323a95d9a79
  5. 0xe8e8e0bc50894f1048ffff62ff7c564c5652de83

Karma Score Reputation

  • 0x50da03c08b3269aa2b47a0b8be03dbcea4cb3990 = 174 score
  • 0xa971182ceecaac649eb6e8d4800ed8ddf0312106 = 150 score
  • 0x53781a8275084ec8fc977ac97a66d94976772935 = 75 score
  • 0xd08b7e82942fac71d96fecaa99ed7323a95d9a79 = 75 score
  • 0xe8e8e0bc50894f1048ffff62ff7c564c5652de83 = 75 score

Rewards (total budget 2k IDLE to distribute)

Here’s the transaction:

  • 634 IDLE to 0x50da03c08b3269aa2b47a0b8be03dbcea4cb3990
  • 547 IDLE to 0xa971182ceecaac649eb6e8d4800ed8ddf0312106
  • 273 IDLE to 0x53781a8275084ec8fc977ac97a66d94976772935
  • 273 IDLE to 0xd08b7e82942fac71d96fecaa99ed7323a95d9a79
  • 273 IDLE to 0xe8e8e0bc50894f1048ffff62ff7c564c5652de83
