Governor Bravo Upgrade

Treasury League and Dev League

This proposal upgrades Governor Alpha, the current Governance framework, to Governor Bravo - introducing several key improvements on the decisional process.

Idle Governance contracts are based on Compound Governor Alpha, a battle-tested fully on-chain module that allows token holders to permissionless propose protocol improvements, vote proposals, delegate their votes, execute protocol changes.

The Governor Alpha contract has become a standard in the Ethereum community. It demonstrated robustness and transparency for on-chain processes, with composability via meta-governance features.

In March 2021, Compound DAO deployed an upgraded version of it: Governor Bravo.

A comparison between the two infrastructures is reported in this article by Tally.

All the above improvements are important, but the crucial ones are:

  • More flexibility in voting options;
  • Upgradability of the key Governance parameters (proposal submission threshold, quorum threshold, voting delay, and voting periods)

To foster the migration, Idle Leagues included in the brand new Idle Grants Program 2.0 the RFP-13 β€œUpgrade Idle Governor Alpha to Compound Governor Bravo”.

@Dantop worked on the integration and successfully delivered the code needed to finalize the Governance upgrade.

The new implementation is available here:

It was developed by @Dantop and peer-reviewed by Dev League. Governor Bravo was audited by Open Zeppelin.


  • Update to Governor Bravo: 3 action
  • Send $3000 in $IDLE to Dantop: 1 action

Next Step
We are going to leave this thread open for comments regarding these changes, and in about one week, if there are no objections, we will proceed with the Temperature Check.


@Davide thanks for the clear explanation about the upgrade Idle Governance is going to undergo :pray:

Proud to know that the new implementation was developed by @dantop through the Idle Grant Program: this initiative through RFPs can really attract new talent like him also into Leagues, and the protocol will benefit from that, I’m sure :rocket:

A well-deserved reward :partying_face:


Let’s move the proposal to the Temperature Check phase!

:arrow_right: Poll for $IDLE holders: HERE
:arrow_right: Poll for $IDLE Stakers (stkIDLE holders): HERE

:alarm_clock: Polls will close on 2021-12-31T12:00:00Z .

The final $IDLE voting weights will be calculated using the approved calculator.

Cast your vote :writing_hand:


Snapshot is over!

With more than 160k IDLE votes, the Governor Bravo Upgrade will move to IIP stage :tada: