Recently, IIP-24 hasn’t been executed on-chain also due to the missing stkIDLE votes needed to reach the quorum. This proposal’s failure wasn’t due to poor voting engagement, as a matter of fact almost 700k $IDLE votes were registered in favour of the IIP
but instead was caused by the missing stkIDLE votes on-chain.
With this recent vote in mind, we would like to propose a decrease in the quorum threshold:
Quorum threshold 30% → 20%
The 70% consensus condition would stay untouched.
This change should remove a possible barrier to broadcast future stkIDLE votes on-chain while maintaining a good security balance and shielding the governance from malicious votes.
Next steps
We are going to leave this thread open for comments regarding this change, and in about 48 hours, if there are no objections, we will proceed with the Temperature Check.
Partecipation is not high among stkIDLE holders but most of the votes are still on the same option usually, so I agree with this change. It would be good to have active and visible delegates for both on-chain proposals and for snapshots in a single forum post so anyone can check all various delegates in a single place