[IIP-38] - IDLE transfer to Leagues


Treasury League and Development League


The IIP transfers IDLE to the Treasury League multisig as part of the activities behind the launch of the IDLE 80-20 pool on Balancer.



At the beginning of July, @Davide published an analysis focusing on multiple improvements to IDLE tokenomics and related DEX activities. One of the proposals was the launch of an 80-20 pool on Balancer

Davide also suggested using protocol-owned liquidity to incentivize the liquidity formation phase in the pool and to apply for a BAL grant

Idle DAO voted positively in launching the pool, starting an incentivization campaign and applying to the Balancer grant

Idle DAO Leagues deployed the pool and started the incentivization process on Warden. The Launchpad proposal to the Balancer DAO will be released soon and shared in our governance.


The code for the IIP-38 consists of one action.

IIP-38 actions:

The IDLE amount to be transferred is composed of the following entries:

  • 122,285 IDLE already used to seed the Balancer 80-20 pool
  • 18,000 IDLE to fund the incentivization campaign until the M3-2023 end (8 weeks). Assuming a 2,077 weekly budget.

Next Step

The temperature checks for the above proposals have already been successfully closed. When the IIP code will be ready, we will launch the on-chain voting phase.


On-chain Voting Phase

:writing_hand: Cast your on-chain $IDLE vote here: HERE
:spiral_calendar: End date: 2023-08-12T18:30:00Z

:writing_hand: $IDLE stakers (stkIDLE holders) can vote here: HERE
:spiral_calendar: End date: 2023-08-12T15:30:00Z

The threshold to make the off-chain poll valid (both metrics should be reached):

  • 20% of circulating stkIDLE voting the poll (min. ~124k stkIDLE)
  • at least 70% on the same option.

The stkIDLE voting calculator will be used to calculate the final results.

Make sure you have been delegated to participate in this voting round

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IIP-38 passed with 1,354,703 $IDLE votes in favour and has already been queued for execution :hourglass: