Add "uniswap" and "sushiswap" voting strategies to Idle's Snapshot

Those two are main IDLE liquidity pools. Enabling the strategies will allow LPs to vote on Snapshot polls without leaving pools.


Actually, I’m not sure in whose hands this is - Governance, League or Genesis Team? :thinking:

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The Snapshot page is currently managed by Idle Labs (we are open to transfer the ownership to the committee) so we should add those strategies. The point is that none of us of the genesis team is allowed to be an LP provider so we cannot really test this out. We can ‘blindly’ add the strategy and make a test snapshot to see if it’s working, alternatively anyone can post the snapshot strategy here (it should be a small js file) and we can set it up


Big fan of this proposal as all my idle is locked up there at the moment.


@william, something like this?

Test snapshot sounds good. The topic can be “keep LP voting” / “remove LP voting” :slight_smile:


Yeah those may work! Will set them up between today and tomorrow and start the test snapshot


I added the 2 strategies for sushiswap and uniswap snapshot voting. @idal / @tom feel free to start the snapshot if you want it up today otherwise I think we can do it tomorrow


So… here is the snapshot: Snapshot, opening tomorrow.

I’m not sure why it doesn’t show up in Snapshot, maybe it will sync later. Voting strategies show up already, so looks promising!


You should still have at least 100 IDLE (or equivalent in uniswap or sushiswap) in order to have the snapshot shown like all other snapshots so I think that’s the reason


I’m trying to participate in snapshot poll from my mobile wallet, but it’s not working. Any advice on how to troubleshoot? I have more than 100 $idle in uniswap, as well as another 100+ staked in sushiswap onsen.

Did you have them prior to the snapshot block?

Yeah, I’ve had them for quite a while. I suspect it’s a problem with coinbase wallet on mobile. Will check on desktop.

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confirmed this was a problem with coinbase wallet mobile browser. works fine on web. awesome!

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@idal as you are below the 100 $IDLE threshold and your survey is only accessible through the direct link, I have launched a new snapshot poll that is visible also on the main snapshot page.
There are already some votes through Uniswap LP tokens, the new strategy is correctly working :ok_hand:

:ballot_box: The snapshot poll has been launched here: [Temperature Check] Uniswap and Sushiswap LP snapshot voting


Thanks! I used a blank account since creator’s address is public on snapshot :sweat_smile:


I’m reporting here the final results of this poll. The new voting strategy is enabled :v:

If new use cases will be developed around $IDLE, the community might add other strategies to unlock the off-chain voting power of those tokens.