[Guide] — How To Delegate

This document describes how to use your IDLE tokens to delegate the voting rights to yourself or other people, in order to participate in the Governance process and get your opinions heard.

In the Idle Governance system each IDLE corresponds to one vote. IDLE token holders can vote through self-delegation or can delegate the voting right to any Ethereum address that votes on their behalf. As a delegator, you can change anytime the selected delegate.

Holding IDLE tokens does not mean that you are automatically eligible to vote, but you have to go through a further step and assign that power to yourself (self-delegate).

Receive delegations
If you receive a delegation, you can not further delegate the amount delegated to you to other people (you can only delegate votes corresponding to your IDLE tokens). By the way, if your delegators increase their stake and hold more IDLE, they don’t have to re-delegate the added funds as your voting balance is automatically updated.

Step-by-step Guide

The requirement to perform the delegation action is the use of a Ethereum Wallet (e.g. MetaMask) and the ownership of some IDLE tokens.

Step 1: Connect the wallet and land in the homepage
Click on this link: Idle | Always the best yield, with no effort
Click “Connect” in the left part of the header, choose “Ethereum Wallet” and select your wallet type.
The homepage is the overview of the Governance ecosystem, that will show the number of voting addresses and delegated votes, the recent proposals and info about the addresses with the most voting rights.

Step 2: Delegation process through the proposal page
Once a proposal is live, you can click on it and browse the details.
The upper part of the page shows the delegation feature. Here you can paste the address of your third-party delegate or self-delegate your voting rights.

If no proposals are active, move to step 3.

Step 3: Change the delegate
If you want to change the delegate or no proposals are active, click on the “Delegate” category in the menu on the left.
Here you can see how many IDLE tokens you are owning and set the new delegate or self-delegate the voting power.

Now you are ready to participate in the Governance process. Here below we list two guides that help you to explore the features of the Governance system:
How To Vote
How To Propose an IIP